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It was a good thing that the crowdfunding campaign launched by Partinico Rose went well, as it allowed the Sicilian band to pack their first full-length, "Songs for sad and angry people".

Yes, because the debut album sounds great and we like it. Anticipated by the single "Slave of time", the disc was released on December 6th and retraces, in the ten tracks of which it is composed, a very valid post-punk approach in its most successful dark-wave version. The Ragusa team composed of Vincenzo Cannizzo (voice and guitar), Carlo Schembari (drums and synth), Massimo Russo (bass) and Martina Monaca (cello) decided to divulge their sound art to melancholy and angry people, now slamming into make impetuous songs like "The revenge" or the aforementioned opener, now evoking the Gothic of Cure memoria with "I'm looking for a job", now cheering with more introspective songs like "The end of summer" or with "Rehab from you ”, Where a fitting cello adds luster to the already excellent sound.
The musical scaffolding is undoubtedly noteworthy and brings with it a good workmanship of the arrangements, all complemented by a song that is well gripped between the chords of the songs.
The road is the right one


By  Indie for bunnies-  Alessandro Tartarino

This is how the Partinico Roses present themselves (on their Facebook profile): you could therefore immediately accuse them of ill-concealed presumption, but in the meantime their CD turns on my reader, favoring the evolution of our judgment towards the ostentation of an inch upwards. They are not presumptuous, but convinced of their abilities and of having printed a mister disc.
Parodying the title of the CD, I would say that their songs (at times post punk, veiled with gothic, but even dark wave) are a cure-all for our state of sad and 'badass-goers of this world.

Undoubtedly if they had had the help of a record producer (and a good graphic designer), the final result would have been even more excellent: it is sad to have to classify Songs for sad and angry people among the self-productions, because unfortunately it does not appear anywhere the name and / or logo of a label or a noble publisher! And it's a shame, because the 10 songs are of good lineage and would not have disfigured if inserted in the productions of some foreign artist, perhaps married to a major label.
The package of Songs for sad and angry people is not up to the music: the photo on the cover is too obvious and a good booklet would have helped the cause: the goodness and determination of the sound remains, a tangible demonstration that the Ragusa band must be counted among the best underground productions of the period. Based on a crowdfunding campaign, Partinico Rose gave birth to their first album, anticipated by the single Slave of time. watch the video clip, in which the band wrote the screenplay, relying on the director Emanuele Torre, helped by Graziano Molino:
The combo of Ragusa includes Vincenzo Cannizzo (voice and guitar), Carlo Schembari (drums and synth), Massimo Russo (bass) and Martina Monaca (cello): said of the desired help of a good graphic designer, also the already dreamed presence of a record producer would take them away from The Cure and closer to an even more personal sound.


By Giancarlo Passerella

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